R Switch

Search Results for COAX SWITCH. R&L Electronics: Text Questions to 513-868-6399: 800-221-7735: Virus Update We are open for Curbside Service and Shipped Orders. HOW TO: Wire a DPDT Rocker Switch for Reversing Polarity: When you need to control a DC motor (such as a DC linear actuator) you usually need to be able to swap the polarity on the wires going to the motor. A double pole, double throw switch is used for this purpose but you have to wire it up correctly t. RTR-1A Receive Antenna Interfaces are receive-transmit relay units that automatically or manually switch the RF output antenna connector on any HF transceiver between a separate receiving antenna system and a standard transmitting antenna. They operate from a 'Transmit on Ground' keying line. Description: The R-Series Curvette single pole rocker switches are aesthetically pleasing miniature snap-in switches. Due to the patented mounting ear design, they are compatible with a wide range of standard panel cutouts.

  1. R Switch Statement
  2. R Select Case

In thistutorial you will learn about switch function in R programming withexamples. You will learn how to use switch() with text and integervalues.

Switchstatement is a selection structure which checks a value for equalityagainst a list of values. Each value in the list is called case. In Rthe behavior of switch varies, for integers it returns the respectiveindexed item however in case of text it executes the matchingcase.

Syntax of switch()

Case when function r

Generalsyntax of switch is

switch(value,case1, case2, case3,..)

If switchis used with a text value the syntax is


case 1:Code to be executed

case 2:Code to be executed

case 3:Code to be executed

R switchhax

Executethis if no match


For aninteger value the syntax is

switch(integer,'value1', 'value2', 'value3', 'value4')

Example: switch() function

# switchfunction in R

R Switch Statement

num <- '3'

Simple tableadd a table to your website. switch(num,


'2' =print('Two'),

'3' =print('Three'),

'4' =print('Four'),

'5' =print('Five'),

'You didnot enter a number from 1 to 5:'


> [1] 'Three'

In thisexample num is a text variable. This variable is used in switchstatement. In case if the value of num matches '1' then the block ofcode print('One') will be executed. If num matches '2' then the secondline will be executed. In this case the value of num is '3' hence thethird line will be executed or 'Three' will be printed as output. Inthe end a default case is given, which is executed if there is nomatch.

Nextexample is for integer values.

x <-4

switch(x,'Apple', 'Mango', 'Guava', 'Orange', 'Pear')

>[1] 'Orange'

In this example a numeric value is testedfor a match against a list ofvalues. If the value is entered is a number that item of list isreturned. In case of a no match, NULL is returned.

x <-9

Word equivalent for mac. val <-switch(x, 'Apple', 'Mango', 'Guava', 'Orange', 'Pear')


R Switch

R Select Case

>[1] NULL