
Thank you for visiting the BOXCOMMANDER site. This patented device was designed for anyone who delivers mail to a curbside receptacle from inside a vehicle and truly is a “ no touch ” mailbox opener and closer plus more! Wear it on the finger of choice however, middle finger is recommended. 9828357 -19472278. Based in Orange County, CA. Monday thru Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Total Commander, Version 9.51, is a Shareware file manager for Windows® 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10, and Windows® 3.1. April 8, 2021: Total Commander 10.00 beta 5 (32+64 bit) for Windows released. March 25, 2020: Total Commander. The Commander X16 (colloquially known as the X-16) is a modern 8-bit computer currently in active development.It is intended to be a hobby computer built from modern off-the-shelf parts, with KERNAL compatibility with the Commodore family of computers. New for 2021 is our bead-lock ready xCommander; This wheel is designed to work with advanced off-road setups; Designed to work with our street-lock and bead-lock ring system, you can also run the wheel without a ring on a conventional mounted tire; Valve stem location is compatible with the Powertank Monster Valve System.

What is X10 Commander?

Commander Legends

The purpose of this program is simple: to allow control of your X10 devices from your iOS/Android mobile device with the touch of a finger.X10 Commander is an X10 Controller Client for iOS/Android mobile platforms that allows you to control X10 devices anywhere in the world. Ever wanted to close the garage door while lying in your bed? How about turn the outdoor floodlights on but didn’t feel like walking back downstairs to turn them on? Now you can! All you need is an X10 CM11, CM12, CM15, CM17 Firecracker, CM19, or Marmitek CM15Pro device connected to your computer and X10 Commander will allow you to control all your X10 devices.X10 Commander consists of two pieces…a server piece which runs on your PC/Mac/Linux and the client piece which runs on your iOS/Android device. The PC application is free and available from our Downloads section, the MacOSX support is provided by Thinking Home software from AlwaysThinking.com and the Linux/Unix support is provided by Heyu and a custom shell script.

Why use X10 Commander Mobile Client?

  • Control your X10 devices from your mobile device anywhere in the world!
  • No “line-of-sight” needed to control X10 Devices
  • You are already using X10 Devices and already own a cool mobile so now you can take it to the next level.
  • Costs less than one X10 Home Appliance!

What does it look like?

Below are screenshots from X10 Commander on iOS and Android
From the mobile device you will see your X10 devices and be able to turn them on or off or dim the lights!
From the Settings application on the device just enter the IP Address and Port of the server you want to connect to.
The info window just gives you some details about X10 Client. Find our Support forums or website.

The desktop application

The desktop application is used to configure X10 devices and just sits in the tray area.

FreeCommander XE 2021 Build 840 32-bit public

FileCreation DateFile SizeFile SHA1
With Setup program
18.12.202011.61 MB13D6DEE513C365F2B825BD0B4E218495FD83BAAC
With Setup program, with help file
18.12.202020.20 MB7777A2E49D3F9FC17E69DDCA78C3DF9E5CC1BDF4
Setup program does not work on Windows XP or Vista, in that case use the portable version.

FreeCommander XE 64-bit is currently available as bonus for the donors.

Previous versions

FileCreation DateFile SizeFile SHA1
FreeCommanderXE-32-public_setup810a.zip18.01.20209.13 MBA6ACEC1A1B3083D124BA93818396F479A319791C
FreeCommanderXE-32-public_setup790a.zip05.01.20198.68 MBEC50EA929A61EC3A07258F23B25AA7FD0B290D33
FreeCommanderXE-32-public_setup770.zip22.01.20188.03 MB7518ED3F3B068CA43A8B92F912AC3410BC009B27
FreeCommanderXE-32-public_setup740.zip20.01.20176.41 MBFA51E59F87C56CCB6BECE89C219D70AC4ECBDF24

Commander Ban List

Help files


Help file – please unpack and copy the help file in the FreeCommander install folder.

old Version: FreeCommander 2009.02b


Commander 2021

File NameCreation DateFile SizeFile MD5
fc_setup_.zip12.09.20102,54 MB


More old downloads:
PortableApp.com: FreeCommanderPortable_2009.02b.paf.exe
ZIP: FreeCommander200902b.zip
MSI: FreeCommander200902b.msi

File Commander File Manager